Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thanksgiving Banner

Again, a little late but here's the Thanksgiving banner I made, it's actually currently still on the wall. :p

Here's the banner in its entirety:

A bit close on the letters:

For this banner I used the Stretch Your Imagination cartridge for the turkeys and leafs, and used the Cricut Alphabet for the letters. It's hung up by twine and I attached the leafs using clothes line clips. I Mod Podged paper onto the clips to make them cute then hot glued the buttons on after tying raffia on the buttons.

Here's one of the turkeys:

A close up of the buttons on the turkey:

The eyes are buttons with black bling jewels glued on top.

It was fun making something a little different and nice to finally have some Thanksgiving decorations!


Kristen Spencer said...

love this!

Candice said...

Thanks! :)