Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bad Mommy!

I am the worst mommy ever. It happened yesterday… I was trying to get the puppy to go outside for potty time and at the same time trying to get Tibor inside so he wouldn’t harass her while she was trying to do her business because Tibor likes to run full speed at her when they’re outside and that inevitably scares her and she wants to run back inside and this really puts a damper on the potty training success.

I finally got Tibor to go inside and got Buffy outside and I was slamming close the sliding door in triumph when I heard the most horrible puppy cry ever! Apparently while in the midst of my triumphant door slamming Buffy had sped her way back to going inside and before I even had a chance to blink I had slammed her poor little paw in the door. I felt sooooo bad!!! I just hated myself for hurting her and she’s still limping around. I don’t think anything’s broken because she’ll let me touch her leg and paw without making a fuss but she just won’t full-on walk on her smashed leg. Poor puppy!

Needless to say she got even more spoiled than usual yesterday because I felt so bad. I carried her around everywhere and she got lots of treats and she got to sleep in the bed with me last night. I’m such a bad mommy! Slamming my baby’s paw in the door, so sad! Luckily we had already made a vet appointment tomorrow for her shots so I can have Dr. Pam check out her poor little puppy paw and hopefully they won’t take our babies away because of puppy abuse.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.

I can't believe I'm 27! Time flies, eh?

Monday, December 1, 2008

NaBloPoMo No More!

Woohoo! I'm finally done with NaBloPoMo and I did it every single day, go me! Thanks to everyone who endured my November ramblings and read all my posts, you rock!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Puppies First Christmas

I love this video. Buffy totally ninja's an ornament off the tree. Tibor did get a little jealous that I was recording Buffy and not him.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lazy Daze

OMG! Bryan and I have been so freaking lazy all weekend! Sucks that we only have one day left.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

My Black Friday was spent at home. I wouldn't want it any other way thankyouverymuch!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, since it's Thanksgiving I guess I should give my thanks. So here's it is, what I'm thankful for in no particular order:
  • For my wonderful, understanding, loving husband Bryan that I couldn't see myself without. I love him so much and I am so very lucky to be able to share the rest of my life with him.

  • For my family that I'm so lucky to have and am so lucky that they live so near to me and I can be as close as I am with them.

  • For my doggies Tibor & Buffy that couldn't live without me and I'm pretty sure I couldn't live without them.

  • For my job, I know I complain about it sometimes but I'm lucky to have it and am grateful for all the nice people I work with.

  • That I finally have a college degree, not everyone can say they have one. Go me!

  • For my health, I know I need to lose a few 50 lbs. or so but it could be a lot worse.

  • For my new home that I love and feel so safe and happy in, I'm excited to build my new life here with my husband and our doggie babies.

  • For my friends that I've had since my teen years and earlier. I love them all dearly and they are indeed the family that I have chosen.
I'm pretty sure I've left a bunch out but that's a good start. So if I'm ever feeling down just remind me to look here and see how wonderful my life really is.

Happy Thanksgiving all! I hope you all had a great holiday!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

To Rott or not to Rott?

I took Buffy to her first vet appointment yesterday and learned something very interesting. The vet asked what breed Buffy was and I told her she was a Rottweiler/German Shepherd mix according to the Humane Society and you know what she had to say to that? "I don't think so." She says if this puppy really is two months old she's way too small to be a Rottweiler and her paws aren't big enough. In any case she guessed that Buffy is most likely a Shiba Inu mix. The vet thinks Buffy is a Shiba Inu because of her curly tail and because she screams. I've blogged about how loud she can whine to the point where it sounds like she's screaming. Apparently this is a big Shiba Inu trait, who knew? The vet said she's definitely a mix because her tail isn't fluffy like a Shiba Inu's is and her ears don't stand up. She wasn't sure what else Buffy's mixed with and said they could make a better guess when she grows up a little so who knows what kind of pup we actually have. It'll be really interesting to see how she turns out. Don't worry, we love her no matter what! She's just now our cute little Shiba Inu mix instead of our cute little Rottweiler/German Shepherd mix.

On another puppy note, Buffy had her first bath yesterday. I recorded some of it and you can hear some of her whining but it didn't really get to screaming volume. She can get way worse than she gets in the video.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Having dogs is fun!

Buffy's been doing better with the potty training. We've now progressed to the point where we actually had one accident free day. She also knows where the door to outside is and we can open it and she'll go right out without us having to go with her. This is sometimes good and sometimes bad. It's good because we don't have to go out with her if it's freezing cold. Tibor will go out with her and I think that's good enough for her. What can be bad about this situation is that sometimes she chooses not to do her business on the grass. Sometimes she elects to take care of business on the sidewalk or as in yesterday's case on a pile of leafs on the concrete. In theory this doesn't seem like a bad thing. Well...let me tell you, it was not a good situation. I'm not exactly sure how this happened but here's my theory, I think she somehow stepped on her poop after she released it and it got stuck to some leaves and she managed to drag a couple of the poop leafs in the house as well as smear some poop strait onto the floor.

To make this even better Bryan somehow managed to step in said poop as well. It was so awful. Our hole kitchen smelled like poop and I had to scour the floor for any poop and clean it up and clean it up off Bryan's feet and I thought we were done and we were sitting with the dogs in our bedroom when I got the distinct stench of poopies. Little did we know Tibor had actually stepped in poo too. So we had to do some emergency puppy paw washings. Tibor so did not like being in the tub, he totally slipped and ate it and I feel bad that I laughed but it was so funny! Then we had to wash Buffy's paws off and she did her squeal the whole time which was also funny.

Lucky for Buffy she has her first vet appointment today and it's been ten days since we got her so she gets a real bath time tonight! Oh man is she gonna love that! Dogs are fun!

Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm famous!

Well...almost famous but really not even close. My pictures did get chosen for the Miami Schmap Guide, woohoo! Go check it out! This one too!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I finally went and saw it and I really liked it. I may have to now become obsessed with Rob Pattinson.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

What's in a day?

1) Sleep in till 11:30.

2) Need to vacuum.

3) Need to clean up the 500 tons of dog poop in the back yard.

4) Play WoW with Courtney & Chris for the rest of the day.

This is my Saturday.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Considering Diapers.

Thus far Buffy is proving to be very difficult to potty train. She gets that when you go outside you go potty and she'll do all her business outside and doesn't seem to have any problem with it but she still has about three or four accidents a day. If you don't take her out ASAP after she's been sleeping or eating she will just squat her little butt down and pee where ever she pleases. It's so frustrating! She knows to potty outside but she just can't understand that going potty inside is so not cool. It hasn't even been a week so I need to be a bit more patient but we were just so spoiled with Tibor. He was unbelievably easy to potty train, why can't he just teach her the ropes?

As you know we're been letting Buffy sleep in bed with us because I'd rather get some sleep than listen to her scream bloody murder all night long. Well last night she rocketed herself off the bed just to pee on the floor. I was so not happy about this. I was so tired because I had gotten to bed later than I usually do and I was in that half asleep stupor so I panicked and woke up Bryan because I wasn't sure what to do. If you've seen my bed you know that thing's pretty dang high. I almost need a step ladder to get into bed so I can't believe she jumped off without killing herself. Tibor can't even get on the bed, not that we allow that but still.

Ahh, puppies are fun, yes? Don't get me wrong, no regrets on the adoption but potty training is the worst thing about puppies, after that it's all good so I really hope she catches on soon or I really will consider putting diapers on her. I do just love and adore her though, she's just so sweet and loves to be held, now I miss my puppy, sigh...

Thursday, November 20, 2008


We actually have some, yay! Bryan's mom gave us her old couches and coffee table so now we actually have furniture in our living room, so exciting! Today is obviously a slow news day.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Meh is now officially a word...awesome...or rather, meh.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Probably not a good idea.

You wouldn't think to look at her but Buffy can make some noise! I never realized how easy a puppy Tibor was until we got Buffy. Tibor was so easy to crate train, he barely made a peep, not so much for Buffy. She puts up a racket that you wouldn't believe. It sounds like someone's in the crate with her pulling her claws out with tweezers. It actually sounds like she's screaming. We tried putting her in her crate Sunday night but after that wailing went on for about five minutes and we just couldn't take it anymore. We couldn't even hear the TV at full volume, that's how loud she was. Putting her in a box by our bed worked out a little better than the crate but she still would start whining every hour or two and last night she actually knocked over the box and escaped and Bryan and I were just so tired that we gave in and just let her sleep in the bed with us. She slept most of the night the little brat. She woke up once at 4:30am and started biting me and I had to take her out but that was the only time. She sure knows how to play us doesn't she? Poor Tibor never gets to lay in bed with us because he's so good, it just doesn't seem fair. She's definitely more of a handful than Tibor was but we still love her and Tibor's been surprisingly good with her. This morning she was climbing all over him, biting his tail, paws and face and he just let her do it. It was so cute! I can tell he's trying really hard to hold back too, it's like he really wants to play but he knows he has to be gentile with her. Sometimes he forgets and tries to pounce at her and scares the crap out of her and she does one of her screams, which is pretty hilarious but he's not hostile, just playful. I'm sure it won't be long before they can play like he wants to. We just need to figure out how to crate train her! Our dog walker Robyn says she can hear Buffy crying when she pulls up outside, so I shudder to think that these crying fits go on all day, poor Tibor's the one that has to put up with it the most. He's such a good boy!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tibor used to be that little.

The picture on the left is Tibor the first day we got him and the picture on the right is Buffy the second day after we got her. I tried to do the same pose so you could see their difference in size but I was a little off. You can still judge their sizes by looking at the metal back on the cart. Tibor's sitting down and his head is above it and Buffy is standing and her head doesn't reach the top. Below is a picture of Tibor and Buffy together as of now. I'm going to take a picture every week with them together like this to see how much she grows. We tried to get her to sit but she wasn't having it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Meet Buffy Hadzik.

Yep, we did it. We got puppy number two! We got her from the Humane Society yesterday and she is a Rottweiler/German Shepherd mix and we're all already totally in love with her. The Human Society wasn't certain about her mix but there's no doubt she's got Rottweiler in her, the German Shepherd part was the guess due to her coloring. They also guessed her age to be about two months old, which is crazy because she's half the size Tibor was at two months old so I think Tibor may have been older than they thought he was.

Tibor's not quite sure what to think about her yet but I think as soon as she's big enough to play then he will love her as much as Bryan and I do. I hope they will be the best of friends!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

James Bond...meh.

We went and saw the new James Bond movie last night and I have to say I'm still not a fan. It was fine going to the theater and it was mildly entertaining but I'd never watch it again. The opening scene with the silhouetted naked women was just so stupid and when he has sex with the red head chick it was so ridiculous. That would so not happen. I've just never been a fan of James Bond. He uses women only for sex and it bugs me. I realize he's a fictional character but I still don't like him and probably never will. I'm done with my James Bond rant now.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Really? Again?

Due to my year plus of not having a car radio, thanks to those who were so deperate for cash or drugs or whatever that they just had to steal it, I had forgotten how repetative the radio really is. They really do play the same five songs over and over again. It's crazy! I guess which five songs that get put on repeat depends on the radio station you happen to be listening to, which is 97.1 ZHT for me because I happen to like their morning show. In any case I thought I'd list off the five songs that I notice get played the most and then maybe next month I can compare the list and see what's changed. Remember in 1995 when Gangsta's Paradise came out? Man I used to love that song, I listened to it a million times. Why'd a bring that up? Because it was one of the five repeat radio songs back in the day. Anyways, here's my list in no particular order:

1)T-Shirt by Shontelle - eh, it's ok, it doesn't make me want to stab a pen into my ears.
2)Let It Rock by Kevin Rudolf featuring Lil Wayne - I happen to love this song so I'm ok with its repeat status.
3)Hot N Cold by Katy Perry - I didn't like it much at first but it's growing on me which means it won't take much longer until I hate it. Also the Simlish version is awesome.
4)Whatever You Like by T.I. - ugh, I hate this song, it really gets on my nerves for some reason.
5)If I Were A Boy by Beyonce - I kind of love it, I know...I know...gag.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

WotLK anyone?

Installing the new WoW expansion now...can't blog...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Does this count as my exercise for the day?

Here's the's raining outside, I've got my umbrella so all is well. I've got my lunch bag and my work bag and I walk into my building raring to go with another fun-filled day of work, or rather just another day of work. I get to my office and start unpacking my stuff when I look into my work bag and see my parking pass. Wait. What is my parking pass doing in my bag? Shouldn't it be in my car? Ah crap!

I drove Bryan's car to work yesterday because he was going to get me a new tire for my car and when I got home I took my parking pass out of his car and put it in my bag so I wouldn't forget it today but then forgot to put it in my car. So after my five minute walk to my office from my car I realize I didn't put my pass in my car so I had to grab my umbrella and haul it back to my car to put my pass back in there. At least I didn't get a ticket. These U of U parking people can be brutal. I can count that as my exercise for day now, right? It was a work out because I was trying to be quick so I wouldn't get a ticket, that and I'm really out of shape.

Now on a dish washing note. Our freaking dishwasher isn't working and I refuse to wash any dishes by hand! Our kitchen is getting way nasty because of this refusal for manual dish washing but I just can't go back. I can't! Ugh, today is going to be "one of those days" isn't it?

Also, Bryan is out of town again until Friday, bummer... :( Poor me. I guess I'll have to fill the time watching scary movies and hanging out with The Tib. I just don't sleep very well when Bryan isn't home. I always end up staying up way later than usual when he's not around so I'm pretty tired today. More so than usual anyways because I'm pretty much always really tired.

One more thing. I committed the ultimate sin. I got a caffeine free diet coke. Really... I was just so desperate for some soda action and the Bookstore only sells caffeine fueled diet beverages and I've been caffeine free for two months now and I didn't want to ruin it. Ok I could have gotten a diet Sprite or a Fresca but I have to be in a special kind of mood to drink those things. I always made fun of people for drinking caffeine free diet coke and here I go and do it. I'm so ashamed. Let the mocking commence. I deserve it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Analyze this.

I had the most disturbing dream ever last night. Before I get into it a little background; for some reason yesterday the outside of my belly button was hurting. I think my shirt or something on my shirt irritated it and it was all red and hurt yesterday so I think that had some responsibility for this dream but as for the rest all I have to say is, the hell?

In my dream my belly button was really hurting and when I went to go look at it in the mirror I lifted up the skin around my belly button because even in my dreams I see myself as really fat and I saw a baby's face underneath the skin in a hole in my stomach and I freaked out. I go to the doctor to see what's going on and the doctor says that I'm pregnant but the baby never grew a spine and if it were born it would be paralyzed for its entire life and I went hysterical and all I wanted them to do was to get rid of it. I just kept screaming get it out of me! Get it out of me! And then I wake up.

Ok...what the hell was that all about!? To keep it clear I am not pregnant so what was with the freakish dream? It seriously freaked me out! I'm still a little disturbed by it. I haven't remembered having a dream in quite a while, why all of a sudden this one? It was just so vivid and really creepy, maybe no more tofu before bed, sheesh!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Skyline High 2000

Here is another learn about your friends questionnaire I got so I'm once again going to use it to fill up another day of my NaBloPoMo adventures. Here goes...

Fill this out about your Senior year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be!! Repost with the name of your high school and graduating year in the subject box.

1. Did you date someone from your school?

I sure did and they were both named Bryan.

2. Did you marry someone from your high school?

No, but I did end up marrying a Bryan.

3. Did you car pool to School?

No, I walked until I was able to get my own car.

4. What kind of car did you have?

I had a light blue Chevy Prism until I crashed it into a pole because I'm awesome like that. I swear the pole jumped out at me! In my defense the pole no longer resides where I had hit it so I don't think I was the only one. I can pretend that's why it's not there anymore anyways.

5.What kind of car do you drive now?

A silver Audi A4 Quatro.

6. Its Friday night...where are you (then)?

Most likely hanging out with Courtney, Richard, and Heather.

7. It is Friday night...where are you (now)?

Either play WoW with Bryan, Courtney, and Chris or watching TV and playing the Sims. My life is very exciting.

8. What kind of job did you have in high school?

I worked at Big Apple Bagels.

9. What kind of job do you do have now?

I'm a computer technician now.

10. Were you a party animal?


11. Were you considered a flirt you think?

No, I think I was considered shy and quite.

12. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?


13. Were you a nerd?

I wasn't smart enough to be a nerd but I definitely wasn't cool.

14. Did you get suspended or expelled?

No, I was a good girl.

15. Can you sing the fight song?

I couldn't sing it then and I definitely can't sing it now. "Watermelon, watermelon, skyline. Watermelon, watermelon sky." That's all I remember.

16. Who was/were your favorite teacher(s)?

I had a math teacher in High School I really liked Mr. Grabel, I think.

17. Where did you sit during lunch?

In a hall somewhere with my crew.

18. What was your school's full name?

Skyline High School.

19. When did you graduate?


20. What was your school mascot?

Skyline Eagles.

21. If you could go back and do it again, would you?

Only if I could go back knowing everything I know now and if I still end up marrying Bryan in the end, aww... Other than that, hell no!

23. Do you still talk to the person you went to Prom with?

No, it was not a good experience and no, I did not put out.

24. Are you planning on going to your next reunion?

Depending on how fat I am and if I even know about it.

There it is. I little bit of me then and now. Feel free to follow suit if you're looking for blog post ideas. Now for a little fun fact. Here is a picture of my old Jr. High. Wasatch Jr. High burned down in 2005. Wasn't that always the unltimate dream of school going children everywhere?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

So scared he peed himslef...literally.

We had quite the adventure with Tibor last night. Courtney & Chris were over to play some WoW and we decided to go to Cafe Rio for some nourishment and since I know how much Tibor likes car rides I decided it was a good idea to take him along. We went along just fine for a while and Tibor was sticking his head out the window enjoying the ride when Bryan hit a bump and Tibor kind of fell and he totally freaked out. He panicked and tried to jump out the window but luckily the window wasn't far enough down and Courtney was able to pull him back but soon after this incident we smelled the worst smell I have ever smelled. It smelled like sour ass and it was not good. I seriously thought Tibor had pooed but no, he peed. He was so scared that he peed himself. Poor puppy! I swear he must have done a special scared pee because it was extra bad and it got on me and Courtney since we were sitting in the back with him. It was awful and we had to stand in line at the Cafe Rio totally smelling like rancid dog pee. Now Bryan's car smells like pee and Tibor ended up smelling really bad too so we had to give him an emergency bath because it was horrible. He was surprisingly good in the bath tub so it wasn't so bad but now he's all cute and soft and smells oh so nice. What have we learned from this experience? When taking the dog on a car ride only leave the window open enough for him to just stick his little nose out.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Zach & Miri make a...

Family friendly G rated movie about puppies and kittens. Oh, no, it's a porno. I'm going to go see said movie today but not at the Gateway because Larry Miller thinks a movie with porno in the title is bad but movies like Saw V where people kill and torture each other in horrible ways are ok. Makes perfect sense. They do realize it's supposed to be funny and not an actual porno right? This is what makes Utah suck sometimes. We are ruled by the dominant religion and it sometimes blows. Oh well, at least not every theater in Utah is banning the movie. Go Century 16! Now I'll see first hand if Zach & Miri really is a porno or not.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Getting To Know...Me!

I got one of those getting to know you e-mails from my sister-in-law Kerstin today and I thought I'd post it in my blog this time instead of e-mailing it to a bunch of people who don't really care. This way those who are actually my friends and want to hear my ramblings can read it. That and I have nothing else to write about today. Lets say anyone who reads it must do it in their blog, there, that will keep it theory. Enjoy getting to know me! Also, comment in my blog if you're writing it in yours so I can check it out. Lets begin...

1.What is your occupation right now?

Computer Technician in the Financial Aid office at the University of Utah. The best position to have in Financial Aid because I don't have to deal with students or answer phones.

2.What color are your socks right now?

Tan, not very exciting.

3.What are you listening to right now?

I'm streaming in 97.1 ZHT, I like listening to the Morning Zoo.

4. What was the last thing that you ate?

I'm eating applesauce with cinnamon as we speak.

5. Can you drive a stick shift?

No, no I can not.

6.Last person you spoke to on the phone?

Bryan, he's pretty much the only person I talk to on the phone.

7. Do you like the person who sent this to you?

I sure do! Best sister-in-law ever!

8.How old are you today?

26 but soon to be 27 next month, sad... I'm so old.

9.What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?

Gag, I hate watching any sports on TV, even the Olympics. Feel free to let me know how much I suck. :p

10.What is your favorite drink?

I love me some Diet Root Beer.

11.Have you ever dyed your hair?

Lots of times and lots of different colors.

12.Favorite food?

It's a three-way tie: smothered burrito with cheese from La Frontera/Puente, Cafe Rio chicken salad, and Thai chicken noodle soup from Big City Soup. They all put crack in their food.

13.What is the last movie you watched?

Amityville II: The Possession. It freaked me out!

14.Favorite day of the year?

Any day I don't have to work and can sleep in till noon.

15.How do you vent anger?

Cry, I cry a lot!

16.What was your favorite toy as a child?

Probably my Barbies or my Quints. I remember playing with them a lot.

17. What is your favorite season?

I love the Fall.

18. Cherries or Blueberries?

Cherries but I also very much enjoy blueberries.

19.Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?

No, I want them to blog me back. :D

20.Who is the most likely to respond?

Courtney, the pressure's on...

21.Who is least likely to respond?

Everyone who doesn't read my blog, losers.

22.Living arrangements?

I live in a house in North Salt Lake with my hubby Bryan and our baby/dog Tibor.

23. Last time you cried?

I definitely cried on Tuesday but can't remember if I cried on Wednesday or Thursday but it's probably a safe bet that I did. Really, I cry about everything. Bryan sure is a trooper for putting up with it. :)

24. What is on the floor of your bedroom?

Lots of clothes and chewed up dog toys.

25.Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending to?

Depends who reads this.

26. What did you do last night?

Put away the Halloween decorations, watched some of the MTV, played the Sims 2, and took a bubble bath.

27. What are you most afraid of?

Not ever figuring out what I want to do with my life.

28. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?

Veggie burgers! Or turkey burgers...

29.Favorite dog breed?

I'm a sucker for a black Lab mix.

30.Favorite day of the week?


31.How many states have you lived in?

Only Utah.

32.Diamonds or pearls?

Definitely diamonds!

33.What is your favorite flower?

Gerber Daisies.

That's it! Hope it wasn't too boring and that you all learned a little bit more about me. Now your turn!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Why do I do it?

I bought Tibor over $100 worth of doggie toys...only one has survived his wrath. I received these toys on Tuesday. Freaking dog!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Love you lots Mom! Happy Birthday! You're 35, right? ;)

I got an e-mail today informing me that a couple of my photos have been put into consideration for being included in the sixth edition of the Schmap Miami Guide. Neat! I gave them the ok to use the pics if my photos are chosen. Lets hope they get picked because that would be kinda cool. Perhaps I have a new career in line? Don’t worry I won’t quit my day job.

This makes me excited for my upcoming trip to the Sea World and I don't care what anyone else says, I'm way excited! I've gotten so many people telling me not to bother or that Sea World is lame, which is lame! I love Sea World! Sure I haven't been there since I was probably around 12 but I have so many fond memories and I can't wait to go. Besides Bryan's never been and that's just not right.

Back to my maybe soon to be somewhat famous pictures...they were pictures I took when Bryan and I went to the Miami Seaquarium, which was pretty much a poor man's Sea World but fun non the less. Here they are for your enjoyment.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted. I'm done. Thank God.

And I have to say, I'm actually pretty excited to find out who wins. This is the first time I can honestly say that.

Monday, November 3, 2008

We wish you a merry Christmas; we wish you a merry…wait. What!?

Oh no, it wasn’t today that I heard my first Christmas song on the radio it was on Halloween when said event happened. Now in the DJ’s defense I’m pretty sure he was just trying to be funny, but still! A Christmas song!? Already!? In October!? It seems it starts earlier and earlier every year. Not that I should be complaining because I’m one of those people that loves the all Christmas songs all day radio station conversions but it was just way too early to hear a Christmas song already. On the other hand…does this mean it would be acceptable to go ahead and put up my Christmas tree now? Because I’d be ok with that. For some reason I’m way super pumped for Christmas this year. It’s probably because it’s our first Christmas in our new house and we have a child (meaning dog) who I can buy a bunch of crap for and wrap and put under the Christmas tree…and I will. So if it were up to me our tree would be up and we’d have a ton of lights up on the house along with Santa’s village out on the front lawn, yesterday.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What makes a great Sunday.

1) Raining outside with me inside.
2) Taking a two hour nap on the Love Sac.
3) My husband on my right keeping me warm.
4) My dog on my left keeping me warm.

Oh yeah, now that makes a great Sunday.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The person who designed my tub should be drug out into the street and shot.

Or at least given a stern talking to. Our tub has a built in stopper thing and in theory that’s not bad but what is bad about it is that there is no way to take the stopper completely out. Now whoever thought this was a good idea must have been bald because what happens is my long hair gets stuck in the drain and there’s no way to get it out. I shed more than the dog does so this definitely causes a problem. The worst part is because it takes practically a whole day for the tub to completely drain this causes the bottom to be really slippery. One of these days I am surely going to kill myself slipping in the tub. Who knew taking a shower could be so dangerous.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween all! What’s the scariest thing coming? My participation in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). The rules are simple; next month I am to write in my blog everyday for the entire month. It’s sure to be fraught with boring nonsensical entries for all of my two readers to enjoy. Yay! Hi Mom!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Can I get this in a shorter size please?

Can someone please tell me why all female Halloween costumes must be of the slutty variety? I’ll admit, that if I had the body that could accommodate a slutty costume I’d totally be all over that but unfortunately I do not possess such a body type and would appreciate having a larger variety of non-slutty costumes, that’s all I’m saying. What brings up this rant? Well, the other day I went to Spirit Halloween to go buy a costume for Witches Night Out and had a tough time finding a witch costume that didn’t have such a short skirt that butt cheek showed or was so low cut that if a stiff breeze hit me just right I’d be topless. I just wanted a nice costume that covered up all my parts, is that really too much to ask? Out of the entire store I found three costumes, three! That were long and covered up everything and luckily I ended up liking one of them so I suppose all hope is not lost.

I must say, aside from the lack of conservative costumes, the Spirit Halloween store was quite nice because they let you try on the costumes before you bought them, which was awesome because one of the dresses I was thinking of getting would have been quite the disappointment after bringing it home. I highly suggest purchasing a costume there especially if you’re looking to slut it up a bit. Just to be clear I have nothing against the ladies who want to slut it up on Halloween, like I said, I would too if I could but I cannot and I am mostly jealous of those who can. Moving on…

I did witness quite the hilarious conversation while shopping for my witch paraphernalia though. It seems I am not the only one that has complaints about the number of sexy/slut costumes available. A middle aged gentlemen pulled aside, well more like yelled so the entire store could hear, a young teenage employee and complained that there weren’t enough sexy male costumes to chose from and asked the young man if any more were going to come in. Teenage employee got the best deer in headlights look and was totally thinking about going to ask someone if more sexy male costume were coming in but then he decided to tell middle aged man that they weren’t expecting anymore new costumes. It was pretty funny. So apparently we need less sexy/slutty female costumes and more sexy/slutty male costumes. Good to know…

Friday, October 17, 2008

Bat Dog!

Bryan and I got Tibor’s Halloween costume in the mail yesterday and I have to say I was quite pleased with the outcome. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. Thank you Tibor. What do you think? You think he likes it? Sure in a couple pictures it looks as though he’s plotting our deaths but give him a treat and he’s over it in about half a second. He was a surprisingly good sport about letting me dress him up too. He sat very still while I was putting his costume on and didn’t try to bite me once. He tolerated having the costume on a lot longer than I had anticipated as well. He amused us for about five minutes and then proceeded to roll round on the floor making strange noises so we were merciful and took it off, but watch out Tibor! Come Halloween, that baby stays on all night!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kara 2.0

That’s right, on Saturday we played WoW from 10am to 9pm…9pm! God we’re nerds! Kara 2.0 was goods times nonetheless. It wasn’t quite the success as Kara 1.0 due to the fact the Holste boys couldn’t physically be there with us but seven out of ten really wasn’t too bad. Wetzel couldn’t make it at all due to a job or something, I don’t know… Unfortunately the Holste boys could only grace us with their on-line presence for about four hours and after that we had to PUG (pick up group) people, which majorly sucks. There were a few good people we got to come along with but us the majority were jerks, probably because they were twelve-year-old boys but still… Courtesy is never a bad thing people. I won’t get into how people were rude because it would involve too much WoW talk that only truly nerdy people will understand but trust me, you get some crappy people, namely Bitzit. If you ever run into this guy on Anetheron tell him he sucks and put him on your ignore list, moving on…

Tibor was super helpful during play time as always, the best part was at the beginning when he decided lying underneath the tables we were playing on was a good idea and then upon further inspection deciding it would be an even better idea to start licking the power strip outlets that were located in his vicinity. Needless to say, Tibor got a little shock from that one. All we heard was a yelp and then Tibor darting out from under the table. From that point on he switched from licking power cords to licking feet so that’s better…I guess…

Here’s to Kara 2.1 that we will hopefully have in September!

Friday, August 15, 2008

My eyebrows are trying to take over the world.

After realizing that my eyebrows were starting to morph into one intelligent life form and starting to wave at passer-byers I decided it was time for a wax. I made an appointment at my usual brow-waxing haunt, Estilo. Now my eyebrows are one thing that I really tend to splurge on. I figure my eyebrows are right there for everyone to see so no need in being stingy and risking having my eyebrows completely waxed off and then having to draw them in with eyeliner because that’s just not cool with me, I’d look freakish. I just love Estilo because it is so hip and the people that work there are awesome and tell you what you should do instead of asking me what I want because I have no idea how to make myself look good, that’s why I go to them so that awesome. It’s pretty expensive but totally worth in my opinion.
The woman who does eyebrows there, I think her name is Rina, is the most awesomely crazy, intimidating person ever. She’s a little older I think, like in her 40’s but I’m not positive because I’m horrible at guessing people’s ages, but way more hip and stylish than I could ever be so I kind of love her. She’s way nice but in an aggressive, scary kind of way and I love to hear the people there gossip while I’m being worked on, it’s like I’m on a TV show about style or something.
So Rina does all her waxing, plucking, cutting, etc. and shows me my new face and I am very pleased. It is crazy how different I look. I like that she shows me my brows after she’s only done one of them so I can compare and see the difference and it just blows me away every time. One day maybe I’ll take a picture of it if I’m ever brave enough. When she’s all done I remove the headband she uses to keep my bangs out of my face and I give it back to her and attempt to fix my bangs back into place covering up most of my face. Now Rina was just not having this. She decided I needed to do something to show off my new brows and not hide my face so she starts running around the store picking up headbands that they sell. This place is also kind of like a classier Clair’s and they sell all kinds of accessories. So she puts a headband on me and it’s all sparkly and way too fancy for me to wear to anything but a high school dance and I’m thinking, oh great I’m going to have to buy this headband that probably costs fifty bucks and never be able to wear it because I can’t say no to this women.
For one she is way excited about me getting a headband and two, because I’m a little afraid she may yell at and/or hit me if I say no thanks. After trying on the blingy, fancy headband she has me try on a yellow, ribbon-like one (shown below) and she just flips out. She tells me she doesn’t even want me to try on any of the others and this is one and I say, ok, and that’s that. Luckily it only cost $12 instead of my expected $65 so that wasn’t so bad. I go to take the headband off and tell her ok I’ll take it but she yells at me and says I have to wear it out and I freeze and slowly bring my hands away from said headband. She then proceeds to instruct everyone in the salon to look at me and tell me how fantastic I look and how the yellow in the headband brings out the gold in my eyes. At this point I just want to pay and get the hell out of there before she makes me buy anything else. Finally I escape and was planning on throwing the headband in my drawer of hair accessories that I never wear but then I decided that I’d give it a chance. I chose to believe that as soon as I left they didn’t all start laughing and saying what a dumbass I was. Instead I chose to believe that they genuinely thought I looked good.
In any case, I wore the headband today and got many compliments, even an 'you look exceptionally cute today.' Heh, I guess they know what they’re talking about. Ahh…I can’t wait till my next brow waxing appointment…it’s always such an adventure.

Aside from eyebrows what else have I been up to you say? Well, I finally graduated college! FINALLY! After only eight years, go me… I can’t believe I’m finally done, it’s been such a big part of my life for so long that I kind of don’t know what to do with myself now. I guess the next step is finding an exempt position instead of being hourly. Ugh, I hate job searching. I think I’ll just stay in good ol’ Financial Aid for a little while longer; I still like it so far.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Beautiful Brunette of the Week!

Day 67: 07-03-08
Originally uploaded by *hAdZik*

This 365 days photo of me won Beautiful Brunette of the Week! Hooray, I must not be totally ugly!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Kenny!!!

Today is my little brother's birthday! So Kenny...Happy Birthday to you! Party hardy out there in Japan. :) Welcome to getting old!

Today is also my boss' birthday so I decided to wake up early and go buy muffins and some balloons. I get to the Fred-Smiths at 6:45am to find out that they don't open till 7:00am, lame! I get the balloons and get them all the way to the office, put them on the boss' chair only to have one pop and give me a freaking heart attack. It sounded like a gun shot!

On a geekier note, I have signed up on Xfire, which is a geek website that shows how truly geeky you are. Also, it shows how much I play WoW, which probably isn't good.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tibor's New Trick & 3 Years!

Tibor has a fun new trick he recently likes to do in the mornings. We've been letting Tibor be crate free at night for a week or two now (because he's freaking spoiled!) and for the first week or so it went super. He was a good pup that just liked sleeping on a pile of clothes on the floor or if that was not available then a pair of Bryan's underpants that are undoubtedly always somewhere to be found on the bedroom floor. Anyways Tibor's been great, not chewing on anything or having any accidents, but on Tuesday morning when my alarm went off at 6am, I did my usual pressing of the snooze and dozed off again when a few minutes later I got a second little wake-up call by a lick in the face. I groaned and pushed the dog aside and turned around so my face wasn't towards the edge of the bed but instead of a few more minutes sleep that I so desired Tibor jumped up on me and started licking my face again. I figured he just really had to pee and I was supposed to be up anyways so I got up and let the dog out and thought nothing else of it. Come Wednesday alarm goes off at 6am, I press snooze, and lo and behold a few minutes later I get another lick in the face. Instead of pushing the dog aside and groaning I chose to look at him to see what was going on and why he felt I shouldn't sneak in a few more minutes of snooze time. I look up to see Tibor standing there bright eyed and bushy tailed looking right at me expecting me to get my lazy butt out of bed and I figure he's just really got to pee again. Then this morning like clock work I hit snooze when my alarm attempted to wake me at 6am and a few minutes later I get a lick right on the lips and there's Tibor looking at me hopefully, ugh. Apparently Tibor thinks he is now alarm clock number two. We'll have to see if he does it tomorrow and the big test will come Saturday. Hopefully, he won't wake me up at 6am if my alarm doesn't go off because if he does, he's so going back into the crate!

On a more romantic note today is the three year anniversary of when Bryan and I meet for the very first time. For those of you who do not know, Bryan and I met on or as we like to say 'we met on the Internets...' and first met in person on this day three years ago at the Mayan, ooh yeah! Now that is romantic! :) The Mayan also happens to be the place where Bryan proposed to me on my birthday in 2006 (God I hope that's the right year, I'm horrible with dates!) because he's sweet like that. Here's hoping I get a date night at the Mayan tonight... :p

Also, I started a Facebook page because I was bored and I had a lot of other better things I could have been doing but didn't want to do them...check it out!
Also, the picture is from when we went to Strut Your Mutt and 'Yes!' Bryan and I are both wearing our WoW shirts, which makes us totally super way cool! :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

dogster, etc.

Don't worry, I started Tibor a profile on dogster. :) Enjoy!

So this weekend Bryan, Tibor and I went up to my parent's cabin and spent the night Friday night. This was the first night we didn't put Tibor in his crate to sleep and he did very well, except for how he decided to wake me up in the morning. I was innocently sleeping away and about 6:30am Tibor decides it's time to get up so he comes over to me and parks his butt right on my face! Needless to say that did the trick. Other than that Tibor was very well behaved and had a good 'ol time for his first time up at the cabin.

As for more weekend hilarity...after puppy school on Saturday (which Tibor graduated from, yay!) we drove home to three guys mowing our front lawn. Apparently we're the losers of the neighborhood and our neighbors decided to mow our lawn for us since we're bums, nice...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What did I ever do to soda?

In a rush this morning I realized I was very thirsty but instead of hauling my butt all the way up the stairs to get a glass of I water I decided to just grab a morning Diet Pepsi to enjoy on my drive to work. I grab my soda, get in the car and go to put my lovely soda into my cup holder when I realize, I have no cup holders, thanks to the unknown person or persons who decided to steal my radio. They could have at least left me my cup holders. So I go to put my drink into the center holder thing that lies between the two front seats when I realize this holder is already occupied by a can of Diet Root Beer and an unknown diet soda in a paper cup. Both these sodas still have liquid inside them so I had to chose which to throw into the garbage and risk it spilling out into the trash. I decided to pick the paper cup because it had a lid and I figured that might help deter some of the sticky mess. I pick up the cup and stick my new can of soda into its new spot and can sense immediately something is not right. The paper cup I'm currently holding over myself is leaking. That's right, there was a leak in the bottom of the cup and it's slowing dripping all over my car seats and me. So I dashed to the trash can and threw it away and decided not to change because I'm wearing black and I couldn't see any of the spills on me, so whatever. I get back into the car and start off on my merry way to work. Now for some reason I did not put two and two together and think, hey since that paper cup had a hole in it then there is most likely stray soda in the center holder, since I did not realize this I went to take a sip of my Diet Pepsi and got a fun surprise of stray soda hitching a ride on the can and got more spills on myself and the car seats. So I go to investigate the center holder and see there is a pool of old soda from the paper cup hanging out in there. Well, not much I can do about it so I go ahead and put the can of Diet Pepsi back into the soda filled holder and take careful sips here and there trying to make sure I stay over the center holder to avoid spilling everywhere. After a little while of this I realize I have a cup holder in the back seat area that I can sort of reach so I get smartish and finally use that instead of dipping the can of Diet Pepsi into the center holder pool of anonymous soda. So I ask soda, "what did I ever do to you?"

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Stupid Dog & Stupid Jeans!

Tibor does this thing in his crate that sounds like he squishes himself as far as he can to the back of his crate and then runs full speed at the door to crash into it and make as much noise as possible. In reality I'm sure he's just pawing at the crate door but at 4am it sounds like a stampeding elephant. The other night Tibor was doing this so Bryan caved in and let him out and I woke up to seeing Tibor laying on a pile of my clothes on the floor. There's nothing like waking up to see your dog snuggling up to your bra. I was hoping that this was only going to be a one-time thing but last night the dog was freaking out! It sounded like a herd of stampeding elephants...and it went all night long. I was ready to kill the dog. We did not give in last night because I don't want him to think every time he tries to murder his crate door we'll let him out. Needless to say I got very little sleep last night and was not happy with the pup this morning. I refused to speak to him or pet him and he knew he was bad and he knew I was mad. We'll see if my silent treatment towards the dog makes him realize that banging on the crate door is bad and he'll stop...yeah, right.

Now for a change of subject...can someone please tell me why I continue to buy jeans at Old Navy! They rarely fit right and are almost always very uncomfortable. I went to the Old Navy a couple days ago to buy some new fat shirts and decided to try on some jeans since I was there. I put on a pair and they fit so I bought them. This is always a bad way to buy jeans. I never take into account how the jeans look on me or their comfort level; I automatically think they fit. Buy them. I now regret my jeans buying decision because they are sooo uncomfortable, I am seriously contemplating just taking off my pants and hoping no one says anything. Stupid ill-fitting Old Navy jeans! I need to have a serious talk with the person or persons who designs these jeans. I don't know why all their jeans seem super tight on my thighs and huge on the waist, apparently my body is not the correct shape. I hate pants...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Costume Idea

Men I would marry III
Originally uploaded by ♥ shhexycorin ♥

I think this should be Bryan's next Halloween costume. Agree???

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Oops, I did it again...

I totally just spilled soda all over my desk at work. This time it wasn't nice non-noticeable Sprite Zero, ohh no... This time it was freaking Diet Mountain Dew Code Red! That's right, red! Stupid elbow knocking over sodas. I'm the reason people aren't allowed to have drinks in computer labs. Luckily I didn't get any on anything electronic but I did successfully get it all over my batch cycle, which are the papers that describe how to do my job, that's all. Now they're dyed a nice shade of pink and there's pretty much no way of hiding that. Another reason I'm lucky in this instance is I happen to be the only one in the office at the moment so no one witnessed my curses, which is always good. I wonder how long it will take for someone to notice.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ahh, Poop.

For those of you who may or may not know, Tibor went through a phase of eating his own poop. This was so not cool in my book and as far as I know, or rather hoping, he is no longer eating his poop. Why bring this up then? Because I often discuss with Courtney my canine troubles and she turned me onto a blog entry written by Dooce that made me laugh my ass off! Seriously Courtney, you gotta warn a girl when you send her e-mails she may read at work. It was so hard trying not to laugh out loud. I thought I was going to explode. The comments people made were so funny. I actually had to stop reading a few times and calm down. I've decided that poop is pretty much one of the funniest words ever because I'm apparently twelve years old. This entry actually made me not feel so bad that Tibor was a closet poop eater. Apparently this is a very normal dog thing to do. It's still not ok of course and I've now resorted to spraying Tibor in the mouth with bitter apple spray whenever I catch him eating poo then spraying the poo with bitter apple because the stuff we got to put on Tibor's food was not curbing the poop eating; I actually think it encouraged his eating of poo. It's been over a week now since I've caught the pup eating poop so I chose to believe it has stopped, of course, I have been letting him be outside unsupervised more often so that could be why too. In any case, let the dog lick you at your own risk...

Now moving on to non-poop matters...
This photo is officially the most viewed photo on my Flickr account. I don't get it. It's my toes! People are weird about feet. I actually think this is one of my worst 365 Days pictures, maybe people are looking at it in disgust but I've gotten very positive comments on it. Again, I just don't get it. The pictures I think aren't very good people seem to love and the ones I love people seem to think are crap. It's quite fascinating actually. I've gotten a lot of positive feedback on this photo as well:

Again, I don't get it. I did this one real quick because I was tired and didn't want to try and be creative but it's gotten a lot of views and people seem to like it. I just think it's weird.

I've also joined a new group in Flickr called Hit, Miss or Maybe in which you post a photo and three people rate it on whether or not they like it. At first, I thought it would be kind of cool but now I'm having second thoughts. I just can't feel bad if someone doesn't like my picture and I'm afraid someone is going to say I hate your pictures because you're ugly and then I'll have to go crawl into a corner, get into a fetal position, and rock back and forth sobbing and that may look a little weird at work. I'm going to give it a try though and see what happens. Here's the first photo I put up:

It's already gotten one Maybe and one Miss so I guess I don't have to cry yet. See, I love this picture but people don't seem to like it as much. I guess it is kind of funky. I was playing around with a photo editor on this one maybe people just don't like that as much. Who knows? Would it be better had I have put some feet in there?

Friday, May 16, 2008

One Month Work-iversary!

Tibor vs. Hose
Originally uploaded by cdud758
I've officially been working for one month today! Go me!
Also, I just love this picture of the Tibor. We introduced him to the hose for the first time yesterday and it was pretty hilarious. We also went and bought him a kiddie-pool; I can't wait for pool-time fun!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just Not My Day...

I got a fun little scare/wake-up call this morning and I also learned that the fire alarm in our office is right above my head. There I was, innocently working away when all of a sudden a REALLY, REALLY LOUD noise rang out from above. It totally scared the crap out of me! So the office had to evacuate and wait outside and I got fond or not-so-fond flashbacks of high school fire alarm drills; everyone standing outside not knowing what's going on, the one loner standing there by themselves, all the clicks standing with each other, ahh, the memories... After probably about ten minutes we got to go back inside and strait back to work. I have no idea why the alarm went off and me thinks there's a good chance I probably never will.

On anther note, my Wednesday night class is in the worst classroom ever! Why the crap is an advanced management class in the freaking architecture building!? The seats are so uncomfortable, this will ensure the hellishness of my Wednesday nights. This is going to be a looooooooooong semester, "sigh."

Also, I forgot to put my wedding ring on today; I feel naked...
Also, my hair looks REALLY dumb today...
Also, I miss my smelly lotions...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dermatological Fun!

If you haven't guessed already yesterday I went to my first ever dermatologist visit and I have to say it was...awkward... Having some dude gently touch your face that isn't your husband is kinda weird. I'm not saying the Doc was weird or anything just the situation, especially when the poor guy had to touch my nasty legs! First of all I had to apologize to him in advance for the condition of my legs and he replies "why are they hairy or something?" and I quietly reply, "yes..." His response makes me think I was not the first lady to come into his office with furry legs. I wasn't kidding either, I haven't shaved my legs since I went to Hawaii in December, sorry if I'm bordering on TMI here. :p

So I had to pull up my pant legs and flash my nice white, hairy, hive-ridden legs so the Doc can check it out but he wanted to get the full leg experience so he proceeded to take off my shoes and my socks for me, which again, having a dude other than my husband do that was a little weird but whatever, he's a doctor, right? That automatically makes any probing or prodding of my body ok... Anywho, now the poor guy gets the nasty leg & the nasty feet to enjoy, at least I recently got a pedicure.

The diagnosis? I'm apparently having an allergic reaction to something. Since I haven't been using anything different on my skin I now have to cease and desist on using anything on my skin except for the ointment that he prescribed me. Even make-up! I have to go a full week with no make-up, ugh, it's gonna be scary. I'm gonna have horrifying 365days pictures...

All in all I think I had a successful dermatologist visit and hopefully my face will soon stop feeling like a consta-sunburn.

After my fun little visit I decided to celebrate my acquisition of ointments by stopping off at the bookstore on my way back to work and get myself a S'mors Luna Bar and a Sprite Zero. When I got back to the office I was so excited about my soda that I was not cautious of the opening of the soda and it exploded everywhere! Not a quite little explosion that you can hide and discretely clean up the mess before anyone notices, but a huge loud, the whole office heard explosion! My boss totally turned around and gave me a 'snuh?' face. It was a touch embarrassing... I then had to go do the walk to shame to procure myself some paper towels to clean up my huge mess. I will now be much more cautious of opening sodas from here on out.

Monday, May 12, 2008


According to my mother this mysterious
'cyanbc' that has been commenting on some of my posts is none other than my little brother Kenny! If this is true than, awesome! :) For those of you who do not know my brother is currently residing in Japan for school. My mom was lucky enough to go visit him recently for two weeks, which I was totally jealous of. Bryan and I couldn't go because we had just bought a house and a trip to Japan is expensive! When my mom returned she had a plethora of photos but this one of my brother was one of my favorites. Apparently he won all those various toys from some ball-type game that is their version of gambling or something like that. Maybe if my brother reads this post he can let us know how he won all this booty. :)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Computer, Hate!

I don't know what I've done to upset the computer gods but my computer has yet again died! WTF!? Why!? Why, does this keep happening!? Are all the computer parts of the world revolting against me? You may say, "ohh it can't be that bad." You think so, huh? Well get this... Probably not even six months ago my computer starts acting up and being crappy and Bryan decides it's probably the video card so we set out on an adventure to procure a new fancy video card. In all our video card glory we neglected to make sure the video card is compatible with my motherboard. It wasn't. Now we had to go on a motherboard adventure and thus other adventures involving sound cards, RAM, power supplies, etc. At this point I've pretty much gotten a new computer. Ok, that's fine. Now I have a new computer that runs awesome.
At this point I must have upset the iPod gods because my Shuffle started up with me. So Bryan does some research on the Internets and finds someone having a similar issue that solved it by unplugging the mouse from the computer and plugging it back in, easy enough. Little did I know that the computer gods and iPod gods have been plotting against me and when Bryan went to unplug the mouse something shorts and everything gets fried! I mean everything! The motherboard, my hard drive, video card, everything! Lame!
So we set out for more computer parts adventures and we have to basically get me a whole new computer. Ok, fine, I can't do much about it and now my iPod works and the computer works good, all is well. Little did I know that the computer gods were merely waiting for their time to strike...apparently that was last night. That's right folks, my computer would not even start! Bryan thinks my power supply has died but I'm certain that means everything is now broken again. What the hell?
So Bryan's going to go buy me a new power supply and I pray to thee all-powerful computer gods to have mercy on my computer soul and let this please work. In the last three months I've pretty much gone through three computers. Maybe I should just take a hint and accept the fact I'm just not meant to be a computer owner. Wish me luck because if I have to freaking replace my computer for a fourth time I gonna majorly freak out!

Now changing subjects from one unpleasant thing to Apparently I have a hold on my account from the Financial Aid office because I've taken too many credit hours. This happens to a lot of people and in my case doesn't even matter because I'm not going to apply for financial aid for the summer but what makes this humorous is the fact I work in the Financial Aid office, nice... Stupid school! At least it was easy to figure out why there was a hold on my account.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Lunchtime Adventures...the horror...

To start off I would like to give my thanks. 1) Thank God I'm married! 2) Thank God for World of Warcraft! 3) Thank God for work!

So I go to the Union for lunch thinking I'll just relax, eat my sandwich, and watch some Futurama on the iPod, little did I know the horrors that awaited me.

I'm innocently sitting and watching the pod when I notice this guy walk by, look at me then walk off. He's an interesting looking fella and I notice him go over to a girl across the way and say something to her and she says something back and before I knew what hit me he's headed in a beeline strait for me! What the crap!? He comes over to me and asks me if I would like some company to eat with. So not only is some weirdo coming up to me but I wasn't even his first choice! Rude! I should have splashed my diet root beer in has eyes and been on my merry way, but no, I'm a big wuss so I say sure...

Now I don't mean this bad in any way at all but I totally thought this guy had some kind of mental illness but no, he was totally high! I can't prove this but I can usually tell. So my new friend sits down with me and we exchange names and have our chits and chats when he asks if I play video games.

Ohh but wait! Before this question he asks me if he can listen to a song on my iPod, again, me being a wuss I say sure while trying to hold back the screams. He takes my iPod and starts going at it and then asks me about video games and I of course say I play World of Warcraft and his eyes light up, he takes my headphones out of his skanky ears and we start talking WoW. Needless to say I was relieved we had this in common: 1) because I wanted him to take my headphones out of ears! I don't know where they been! 2) because when two people meet and they both have WoW in common then you can have endless discussions and I did not know what to talk about with this guy.

We talk a good half hour about the WoW then I finally say I have to get back to work but before I'm able to escape he asks me if I've found 'my special guy' and I say yeah, I'm married. Like the big ass diamond ring on my finger didn't give it away! So he proceeds to ask if it's cool we're still friends if I'm married and again, wuss, I say sure and he says we should play WoW together sometime and I say sure but he does not get any of my information probably because he was high and forgot about the conversation as soon as I was gone from his view. In any case, I now can never ever go eat at the Union ever again.

Ugh, why can't cute, charming boys come talk to me, why is it always skanky weirdos? Not that I want boys to come talk to me because if it were up to me I'd be perfectly happy sitting by my lonesome and in any case no boy is cuter or more charming than my sweet, wonderful husband. :D
When I finally successfully escaped I hauled it back to work about 15 minutes early and immediately sprayed disinfectant on my headphones.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tibor's Famous!

Tibor is the Daily Puppy! Check it out! :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Cats! *aahhhchoo, sniff*

Being horribly allergic to cats I can only enjoy cats from afar or via cartoon. I don't know if any of you have seen these videos yet but they are so funny. I actually haven't even watched them with sound because I always end up watching them at work but even then they crack me up. Here without further ado I give you Simon's Cat in 'Cat-man-do' and 'Let me in!'. If you would like to enjoy more cat hilarity I would suggest checking out Tomato Nation her cats are so funny. My personal favorite post of hers is 'Away In A Mayo'. I laughed so hard after reading it, the best part is the last paragraph. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Kevin Bacon's Teaching My Step Class!

Ok, it's not really Kevin Bacon but the dude looks just like him! He's like a little, buff version of Kevin Bacon, I kind of want to take him around everywhere with me and keep him in my pocket. I'm totally twice as big as he is!

I was nervous going to this step class yesterday because I was worried I'd do something stupid and embarrass myself, which I did, so I guess I'm home free now, right? I hope so. Due to the class being a step class you had to put together this step-like apparatus and in the middle of the workout I totally knocked mine over and had to stop and put it back together while trying not to get kicked in the head by the people around me. Then later on in the class I was clearly having a hard time keeping up so "Kevin" asks me if I was doing all right, nice... That step crap is hard! Is that what working out is supposed to be like? I couldn't breathe by the end of it and a couple of times I thought I was going to pass out - just goes to show how horribly out of shape I am.

Tonight I'm going to try and make the cardio/strength combo class, I hope we don't have to use weights I will surely embarrass myself then.

I swear someone is messing with my chair every night. Every morning when I come in I have to adjust the height because my feet barely touch the ground, what's the deal?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

365 Days

I've joined the 365 Days group on Flickr. This is where you take a self portrait of yourself, :p , for a year. My first self portrait isn't very creative but hey, I've got a year to get creative, right?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Case of the Mondays.

I am so having one of THOSE mornings. I was all set to leave for work this morning with toast in hand when all of a sudden without any warning, on their own accord, my toast went flying off my plate onto the floor. The toast, of course, had jam on it but it was not all bad. Of the two pieces only one landed jelly face down. Luckily the on that landed jelly down was on the kitchen floor and the one that landed jelly up was on the carpet but of course there was some rouge jelly that managed its way onto the carpet so I just had to spray it with dog mess cleaner and head out the door, so hopefully that did the trick. That dog mess spray I have got my Dad's blood out of the carpet after the dog cut his face with his freakishly sharp puppy nails so my hopes are high.

Ohh we're not done! Half way to work I realized I forgot my cell phone and my wallet. I don't know what it is about forgetting your cell phone but I actually had a mini panic attack. I don't really even use it but it's like an extra appendage and it's tragic if I forget it. Usually I wouldn't be so concerned about the wallet but I'm usually last to leave the office and I need my ID, which is in my wallet, to activate the alarm so now I have to find out if my boss is going to stay till 5 today because if he's not then guess what I get to do for my lunch break...go get my wallet! Ahh, the joys of a Monday...
Thanks to my wonderful, fabulous husband who brought me my cell phone & my wallet and then took me to lunch. This is why I married him folks. :)