Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween all! What’s the scariest thing coming? My participation in NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). The rules are simple; next month I am to write in my blog everyday for the entire month. It’s sure to be fraught with boring nonsensical entries for all of my two readers to enjoy. Yay! Hi Mom!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Can I get this in a shorter size please?

Can someone please tell me why all female Halloween costumes must be of the slutty variety? I’ll admit, that if I had the body that could accommodate a slutty costume I’d totally be all over that but unfortunately I do not possess such a body type and would appreciate having a larger variety of non-slutty costumes, that’s all I’m saying. What brings up this rant? Well, the other day I went to Spirit Halloween to go buy a costume for Witches Night Out and had a tough time finding a witch costume that didn’t have such a short skirt that butt cheek showed or was so low cut that if a stiff breeze hit me just right I’d be topless. I just wanted a nice costume that covered up all my parts, is that really too much to ask? Out of the entire store I found three costumes, three! That were long and covered up everything and luckily I ended up liking one of them so I suppose all hope is not lost.

I must say, aside from the lack of conservative costumes, the Spirit Halloween store was quite nice because they let you try on the costumes before you bought them, which was awesome because one of the dresses I was thinking of getting would have been quite the disappointment after bringing it home. I highly suggest purchasing a costume there especially if you’re looking to slut it up a bit. Just to be clear I have nothing against the ladies who want to slut it up on Halloween, like I said, I would too if I could but I cannot and I am mostly jealous of those who can. Moving on…

I did witness quite the hilarious conversation while shopping for my witch paraphernalia though. It seems I am not the only one that has complaints about the number of sexy/slut costumes available. A middle aged gentlemen pulled aside, well more like yelled so the entire store could hear, a young teenage employee and complained that there weren’t enough sexy male costumes to chose from and asked the young man if any more were going to come in. Teenage employee got the best deer in headlights look and was totally thinking about going to ask someone if more sexy male costume were coming in but then he decided to tell middle aged man that they weren’t expecting anymore new costumes. It was pretty funny. So apparently we need less sexy/slutty female costumes and more sexy/slutty male costumes. Good to know…

Friday, October 17, 2008

Bat Dog!

Bryan and I got Tibor’s Halloween costume in the mail yesterday and I have to say I was quite pleased with the outcome. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. Thank you Tibor. What do you think? You think he likes it? Sure in a couple pictures it looks as though he’s plotting our deaths but give him a treat and he’s over it in about half a second. He was a surprisingly good sport about letting me dress him up too. He sat very still while I was putting his costume on and didn’t try to bite me once. He tolerated having the costume on a lot longer than I had anticipated as well. He amused us for about five minutes and then proceeded to roll round on the floor making strange noises so we were merciful and took it off, but watch out Tibor! Come Halloween, that baby stays on all night!