Tuesday, April 29, 2008

365 Days

I've joined the 365 Days group on Flickr. This is where you take a self portrait of yourself, :p , for a year. My first self portrait isn't very creative but hey, I've got a year to get creative, right?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Case of the Mondays.

I am so having one of THOSE mornings. I was all set to leave for work this morning with toast in hand when all of a sudden without any warning, on their own accord, my toast went flying off my plate onto the floor. The toast, of course, had jam on it but it was not all bad. Of the two pieces only one landed jelly face down. Luckily the on that landed jelly down was on the kitchen floor and the one that landed jelly up was on the carpet but of course there was some rouge jelly that managed its way onto the carpet so I just had to spray it with dog mess cleaner and head out the door, so hopefully that did the trick. That dog mess spray I have got my Dad's blood out of the carpet after the dog cut his face with his freakishly sharp puppy nails so my hopes are high.

Ohh we're not done! Half way to work I realized I forgot my cell phone and my wallet. I don't know what it is about forgetting your cell phone but I actually had a mini panic attack. I don't really even use it but it's like an extra appendage and it's tragic if I forget it. Usually I wouldn't be so concerned about the wallet but I'm usually last to leave the office and I need my ID, which is in my wallet, to activate the alarm so now I have to find out if my boss is going to stay till 5 today because if he's not then guess what I get to do for my lunch break...go get my wallet! Ahh, the joys of a Monday...
Thanks to my wonderful, fabulous husband who brought me my cell phone & my wallet and then took me to lunch. This is why I married him folks. :)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tibor Toss

Bryan likes to pick up Tibor and toss him on the Love Sac. I managed to get a picture of Tibor in mid-air. It made me laugh so hard!
I've also added tons of pictures to Flickr so go and check them out!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Sims3!?

Holy crap that was fast! I feel I’ve barely been able to successfully navigate The Sims2. They are just cranking them out aren’t they.? My dilemma now is do I go ahead and buy the new Sims2 Bath & Kitchen Stuff Pack or just wait till the Sims3 comes out next year. Ahh, who am I kidding? I’ll make Bryan go get it for me and then I will go out and buy the Sims3 as soon as it comes out because I am pathetic and addicted. I haven’t even been playing much lately but I still must have it, sad… It does look pretty neat: The Sims3.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Bryan and I got Tibor(Tee-bore) on March 27, 2008 from the Humane Society. He is a Black Lab/Rottweiler mix and is so cute! We fell in love with him right away. When we got him they guessed he was probably about two months old. So if that’s true he’s gonna be one huge puppy! It was fun taking him home; right before we were going to take him out of the cage and take him home he took a big poo in his cage. So the lady who took him out of the cage for us got poo on her pants and of course he was all scared and would not walk so I had to pick him up and carry him to the car, thus getting poo all over my coat, good times… It was worth it though he’s a great pup. :p
He does many cute puppy things such as chew on his toys at the top of the stairs so they fall down the stairs and he has to go run down and bring them back up. He likes to lie under the coffee table and on top of Bryan's underpants. The Love Sac is now one big puppy bed and he chews on everything!
This Saturday we start puppy school at the PetCo. I’m so excited!
If you get bored check our Tibor's, The Daily Puppy website page: http://www.dailypuppy.com/member/2c0b1d0224 . I'll try to keep the pictures as updated as I can. :)
I also broke down and paid for a full Flickr account: http://www.flickr.com/photos/45861567@N00/ . I will also try to keep those as updated as possible. :)
Courtney's rubbing off on me!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

My First Blog!

Courtney finally talked me into it, I finally have a blog! I apologize in advance for I am sure it will be pretty crappy until I get the hang of it. Much thanks to Courtney for writing my "About Me" intro. :) I tried writing it and it was no good, Courtney did much better.
That's all I've got.
It's hard writing a blog.