Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Halloween Banner

It's a little late but I wanted to show off the Halloween banner I made this year. It's currently hung up in my craft room until I figure out a good way to store it till next year.

Here's the whole banner:

I made the banner using the Pretty Pennants, Flower Shop & Kate's ABCs cartridges.

Here's a close up of some letters:

I used a coat or two of extreme glitter Mod Podge to give it some sparkle.

A close up of the flower:

The flowers were a lot of work but I thought they turned out quite nice, obviously I used sparkly buttons for the center. Can you tell I like me some glitter... :)

I held the banner together by putting in black eyelets then tying them together with ribbon. I thought the eyelets might make it a bit more sturdy but I think it makes it looked rather nice too.

Now back to work making party favors for my soon to be sister-in-law's bridal shower! Those posts will come eventually... Lots of work but lots of fun!