Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tibor's New Trick & 3 Years!

Tibor has a fun new trick he recently likes to do in the mornings. We've been letting Tibor be crate free at night for a week or two now (because he's freaking spoiled!) and for the first week or so it went super. He was a good pup that just liked sleeping on a pile of clothes on the floor or if that was not available then a pair of Bryan's underpants that are undoubtedly always somewhere to be found on the bedroom floor. Anyways Tibor's been great, not chewing on anything or having any accidents, but on Tuesday morning when my alarm went off at 6am, I did my usual pressing of the snooze and dozed off again when a few minutes later I got a second little wake-up call by a lick in the face. I groaned and pushed the dog aside and turned around so my face wasn't towards the edge of the bed but instead of a few more minutes sleep that I so desired Tibor jumped up on me and started licking my face again. I figured he just really had to pee and I was supposed to be up anyways so I got up and let the dog out and thought nothing else of it. Come Wednesday alarm goes off at 6am, I press snooze, and lo and behold a few minutes later I get another lick in the face. Instead of pushing the dog aside and groaning I chose to look at him to see what was going on and why he felt I shouldn't sneak in a few more minutes of snooze time. I look up to see Tibor standing there bright eyed and bushy tailed looking right at me expecting me to get my lazy butt out of bed and I figure he's just really got to pee again. Then this morning like clock work I hit snooze when my alarm attempted to wake me at 6am and a few minutes later I get a lick right on the lips and there's Tibor looking at me hopefully, ugh. Apparently Tibor thinks he is now alarm clock number two. We'll have to see if he does it tomorrow and the big test will come Saturday. Hopefully, he won't wake me up at 6am if my alarm doesn't go off because if he does, he's so going back into the crate!

On a more romantic note today is the three year anniversary of when Bryan and I meet for the very first time. For those of you who do not know, Bryan and I met on or as we like to say 'we met on the Internets...' and first met in person on this day three years ago at the Mayan, ooh yeah! Now that is romantic! :) The Mayan also happens to be the place where Bryan proposed to me on my birthday in 2006 (God I hope that's the right year, I'm horrible with dates!) because he's sweet like that. Here's hoping I get a date night at the Mayan tonight... :p

Also, I started a Facebook page because I was bored and I had a lot of other better things I could have been doing but didn't want to do them...check it out!
Also, the picture is from when we went to Strut Your Mutt and 'Yes!' Bryan and I are both wearing our WoW shirts, which makes us totally super way cool! :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

dogster, etc.

Don't worry, I started Tibor a profile on dogster. :) Enjoy!

So this weekend Bryan, Tibor and I went up to my parent's cabin and spent the night Friday night. This was the first night we didn't put Tibor in his crate to sleep and he did very well, except for how he decided to wake me up in the morning. I was innocently sleeping away and about 6:30am Tibor decides it's time to get up so he comes over to me and parks his butt right on my face! Needless to say that did the trick. Other than that Tibor was very well behaved and had a good 'ol time for his first time up at the cabin.

As for more weekend hilarity...after puppy school on Saturday (which Tibor graduated from, yay!) we drove home to three guys mowing our front lawn. Apparently we're the losers of the neighborhood and our neighbors decided to mow our lawn for us since we're bums, nice...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What did I ever do to soda?

In a rush this morning I realized I was very thirsty but instead of hauling my butt all the way up the stairs to get a glass of I water I decided to just grab a morning Diet Pepsi to enjoy on my drive to work. I grab my soda, get in the car and go to put my lovely soda into my cup holder when I realize, I have no cup holders, thanks to the unknown person or persons who decided to steal my radio. They could have at least left me my cup holders. So I go to put my drink into the center holder thing that lies between the two front seats when I realize this holder is already occupied by a can of Diet Root Beer and an unknown diet soda in a paper cup. Both these sodas still have liquid inside them so I had to chose which to throw into the garbage and risk it spilling out into the trash. I decided to pick the paper cup because it had a lid and I figured that might help deter some of the sticky mess. I pick up the cup and stick my new can of soda into its new spot and can sense immediately something is not right. The paper cup I'm currently holding over myself is leaking. That's right, there was a leak in the bottom of the cup and it's slowing dripping all over my car seats and me. So I dashed to the trash can and threw it away and decided not to change because I'm wearing black and I couldn't see any of the spills on me, so whatever. I get back into the car and start off on my merry way to work. Now for some reason I did not put two and two together and think, hey since that paper cup had a hole in it then there is most likely stray soda in the center holder, since I did not realize this I went to take a sip of my Diet Pepsi and got a fun surprise of stray soda hitching a ride on the can and got more spills on myself and the car seats. So I go to investigate the center holder and see there is a pool of old soda from the paper cup hanging out in there. Well, not much I can do about it so I go ahead and put the can of Diet Pepsi back into the soda filled holder and take careful sips here and there trying to make sure I stay over the center holder to avoid spilling everywhere. After a little while of this I realize I have a cup holder in the back seat area that I can sort of reach so I get smartish and finally use that instead of dipping the can of Diet Pepsi into the center holder pool of anonymous soda. So I ask soda, "what did I ever do to you?"