Friday, February 20, 2009

Sad Day

Yesterday was indeed a very sad day. My poor little gerbil Pepper died. I had her for quite a while, well before Bryan was even a twinkle in my eye. I'm afraid our other gerbil Ginger won't be far behind. I was petting her last night and she just laid there and barely moved. I could see she was breathing but I'm afraid she isn't for this world much longer. It was very sad and yes, I did cry for my poor, sweet little gerbils. I'll have to go find a picture of them and I'll post it tomorrow, I hope Pepper is now up in gerbil heaven and running on wheel to her heart's desire and having all the sunflower seeds she can eat! She was a great little pet and I had her for a long time and she will be missed.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What? This isn't a bathroom?

Yesterday I was told by my boss as a warning that due to fact that students have a hard time finding the bathroom in our building, the Students Services Building, some male students have taken to doing their business right outside our building! The hell!? The director of our office has actually witnessed this while looking out the window in his office. Dude, if you're gonna take a leak outside do it where people looking out their office windows won't see you! It's only common knowledge. I can't believe college students would do this...or maybe I can. In any case if you can't find the bathroom try asking somebody or go to one of the many near buy buildings that have easier to find bathrooms. It's really not that hard. People are nuts!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm Still Here!

So Bryan told me I need to keep my blog more updated so I thought I'd just throw something out there so people know I'm still alive. Not too much going on at the moment. I'm still keeping up more or less on my 365 Days project so that's good. I successfully finished the month of January so I thought I'd post a few of my favorites.

Sheila had her super cute little baby girl a couple Sundays ago, Lara Statter, on January 25th. I think she looks a lot like Lachlan did when he was born so we know she's gonna be super cute.

Other than that not much else has been going on but I will try and be better about keeping my blog more updated. I mean really, what else have I got to do?